Monday, 12 November 2012

Bandai Ultraman Gaia Peace Carrier DX

                Next up is the Bandai Peace Carrier DX from Ultraman Gaia.  My interest in Ultraman vehicle has been going on for years.  After my first buy, the Guts Wing 2, this is the second Ultraman Vehicle I bought.  The time span was around 10 years before I finally bought again.

The Box

                So, this Bandai Peace Carrier DX comes in a very large box.  I bought this in a toy fair, already a used item, but luckily the jet inside is still in a good condition (thought the box may be not).

Inner Box

                The inner box is made of Styrofoam tray to protect the jet.  Aside from the jet, there are also 1 empty container (the entire vehicle in Ultraman Gaia TV Series has an alternate mode of a container, and this Peace Carrier is a jet that is used to transport the containers).  And also included is a base which is used to load these containers.  All is packed inside the foam.  The jet itself is ready for play as you put it out of the box.


                The first mode for this vehicle is the landing mode.  All you have to do is to pull out the landing gears on both sides of the wing tips. And you have the jet ready in the landing mode.

Flight Mode
                For the flight mode, you store back the landing gears back in, extend the radar dish out (by pressing the knob behind).  The radar dish is also rotatable by spinning the gears under the dish itself to simulate spinning radar.

Container Open

                For the features, this jet has several aside from the spinning radar dish; the forward gun located under the jet nose has the pumping or blowback action, in which you have to push the white knob under the gun to simulate the gun firing.  The gun above the cockpit has no feature, but it has limited articulation, you can swing it to the back or forward.  The main feature is the 3 main container rooms, when you push the button behind the rooms, the bottom of the container rooms will switch open and deploy or drop the container within.
                 The material used for this jet is all hard plastic, no die cast metal at all.  all the paint job is great, the toy itself already aged several years but still no sign of paint problem.  A great jet in total.  I will post more review on the Container vehicles later on (I only has several and not all).

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